Meet Liv

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.”

Hey AXL SQUAD!!! You might recognize me from the front desk, where I started working at AXL in the Fall of 2021. When I started at the front desk, never in a million years did I think I would be on a microphone riding, singing and cueing my heart out, but here I am and I am so excited for this next AXL journey!

My cousin took me to my first spin class about 6 years ago. I was so anxious to go I almost canceled on her. It only took me 45 minutes to realize I absolutely love every second of spinning. From that day on I thought about becoming a spin instructor. I continued on spinning but never bit the bullet on teaching. Six years of riding later I finally have bit the bullet to become an instructor in one of the best communities!

AXL has been so much more than just a fitness studio for me and that is one of the reasons why I am so excited to be a part of the instructor team! AXL’s community is one like no other and I can’t wait to give back to this in a way I couldn’t at the front desk! When you’re in my class, I hope you enter the room and leave the room feeling confident and strong! I will always promise you a fire playlist, high vibes and maybe a few laughs.

When I’m not on the bike, you can find me hanging with my friends or family, at the gym, or binging some type of tv show always with a candle lit.

Music Type: Hip Hop/ Rap
Class Style: High-energy, challenging climbs, fun choreography and some fast runs! 
3 Words to describe your class: Empowering fun and vibeyy.
Fun Fact: I can read music.
Favorite Hangout Spot:  Hue in Back Bay!