This is our signature beat-based ride that incorporates choreography and upper body work to give you a 45-minute heart-pumping, sweat-filled experience. This energizing cardio dance party is set to some of the hottest beats and promises a fun and CHALLENGING session that will leave you transformed. If inspired choreography and bursts of fast runs excite you, you’re a rhythm rider!

indoor cycling east Boston


Ready to climb heavy and get strong? AXL Burn focuses on building muscle with a 45-minute ride filled with heavy hills and multiple arm tracks for a full-body workout. We still ride to the beat of the music, but unlike our traditional rhythm ride we focus on controlled, consistent movement for an all-over BURN. Whether the goal is to find a class with less choreography, build muscle to rock that 60-second sprint out of the saddle in a rhythm ride, or simply gain strength and achieve a full-body workout, AXL Burn is the ride for you.



Short and intense, this is a class tailored to achieve fast results. You will hit your hills, sprints, and intervals all in the space of 30 minutes. No arms song, no moment song. Just a maximized cardio workout, designed to get you in and out.



This format will feature the best of our high-energy, cardio dance party RIDE meets controlled, beat-based movements and isolations off-bike for a holistic and AXL-unique workout that trains both your endurance and strength.

After a 30-minute beat-focused RIDE (straight from our DIRTY30 program), you'll find yourself on a mat honed in on your upper body and core strength with weight, towel and body-weight movements for the rest of your session.

A 50-minute program from end-to-end, this class strategically increases your cardio stamina and isolates specific muscle groups to build strength, giving you a true total body workout.



Whether you’re brand new to beat-based cycling or you’re an AXL member who wants to continue to grow as a rider, AXL Elevate is the perfect opportunity to connect with an expert AXL instructor in a small group setting and learn the ins-and-outs of what we do in the spin room.

This 60-minute program, capped at 15 participants, includes learning about: personal bike set up, form in all positions, tempo, using resistance, and basic choreography, plus a 20 minute ride to tie it all together! Build your confidence and get to know a small group of the AXL community at AXL Elevate!