Meet Ashley

“There are no shortcuts to any place worth going.”

Hey AXL fam! Ashley here!

I will never forget my first spin class when I was in highschool…I was instantly hooked. After years and years of riding, I told myself I would get up there on the podium, and now here we are! I used to play lacrosse and soccer, and also have a huge passion for CrossFit, but spin will always have an extra special place in my heart. My goal is to leave you walking out of class even just 1% better than when you stepped foot into the room. At the end of the day, I want my riders to not only push themselves, but to have FUN when doing so and ride the way the music makes them feel.

When I'm not on the podium, you can still probably find me in the studio riding when I can, or rollerblading along the water with my dog, Bruno! On the weekends especially, I like to spend my days training in the weight room, but you will definitely find me in the North End with a big bowl of pasta and a cannoli at night!

Music Type: EDM/House & Hip-Hop/Rap
Class Style: In my class you’ll be sure to hear some FIRE beat drops…all about those fast jogs and a challenging run out in 3rd!
3 Words to describe your class: Empowering, fun and sweaty baby!
Fun Fact: I lived in Ireland with my family when I was 12!
Favorite Hangout Spot:  Anywhere along the harbor walk in Seaport or Eastie with my dog, Bruno!